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Well a FULL YEAR after submitting some pics of my father-in-law's toy train set to Classic Toy Trains magazine, they surprised us with a 2-page spread and an amazingly nice write-up of one of the images.

You never know how photo editors make their choices. This is not even close to my favorite shot of the bunch, but it's the one they picked to print BIG:

[Image: 0009_joe_bales_2004-copy.jpg]

(Despite the loss of my photo storage drive, I was able to salvage this from an email I had sent a year ago!)

Fame and fortune! (Well, fifty bucks is better than a stick in the eye.)
Congrats Smile
Wooohoooo! 2 pages of glossy glory!

That's awesome news, Mitch!
Congratulations, Mitch! Excellent news.
Good on ya Mitch!!
Awesome Mitch. $50.00 towards a new dual layer dvd. Big Grin
Good work, looks like it would be fun to shoot.
Well done Mitch, must have been a buzz to get it published. Congrats.
Oh yyyeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! Big Grin
slejhamer Wrote:Well a FULL YEAR after submitting some pics of my father-in-law's toy train set to Classic Toy Trains magazine, they surprised us with a 2-page spread and an amazingly nice write-up of one of the images.

You never know how photo editors make their choices. This is not even close to my favorite shot of the bunch, but it's the one they picked to print BIG:

(Despite the loss of my photo storage drive, I was able to salvage this from an email I had sent a year ago!)

Fame and fortune! (Well, fifty bucks is better than a stick in the eye.)

Yay! great stuff! Big Grin

That's a super little 'chuffer-billy' too -- hoot-hoot. Cool

Well done that man!
Very nice picture. Congratulations on being published!
Congratulations Mitch, your picture is great Smile