DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: Mom, do I have to go inside!!!
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Hi all, this is my first post here. While technique is not great, I just thought it was funny. So here is my 9 month old baby great dane telling me he is not going to come back in side yet.


Melissa and Mercury

[Image: Ilovemylard.jpg]
Cute pose, welcome to Shuttertalk Smile
Anyone who posts dog pictures is welcome in my opinion!!!! Smile
Rufus Wrote:Anyone who posts dog pictures is welcome!!!! Smile
Huh? Now how did that happen?

Gremlins? :o
Those are just the voices in your head Ruf... Big Grin Big Grin

great photo, and welcome!
Oh boy, pet photos. Welcome to Shuttertalk Melissa. Smile What a ham. Just hope he isn't rolling in somthing he shouldn't. Big Grin
hey thanks you guys. Meruyr is a ham, nothing like having a 160# baby puppy. He is a character.
How cute! Just makes me wanna tickle his belly now... Big Grin

Welcome to Shuttertalk, Melissa!
Cool! Hi Mliss, welcome aboard.
Very sweet picture... Welcome to Shuttertalk Smile