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Full Version: The Cavalry comes home.
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Taken Labor day week-end in Old Sacramento during a history week-end.

Click image for enlargement.
[Image: normal_cavalry%20comes%20home%20mono.jpg]

First off, I love the shot.

However, I find the background is a little blown out in relation to the subject matter. Its a tough shot given the shadows. Just my lowly .02 (which these days is getting better given the current excchange rate.. Big Grin
I too love the shot. Great photo Craig.
Thanks for the comments guys Smile

Jeri your not wrong, it was a horrible time of day to be shooting and the only thing saving the faces in this shot was I actually remembered to fire off some fill flash for a few shots.
Three amigos? Big Grin
I gotta say I like the blown highs; atmospheric-like! Call me a sucker, but surely a must for sepia?
Haven't tried sepia, but it does look better as a print than it does on screen.