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....and another bit, sorta high key....
[Image: bluewin2-2small.JPG]
So. That's 5 of one series I missed.
Sometimes the "leader board" really scrolls down quickly, doesnt it?

Is it extendable?? I mean, a "recent posts list" which is a bit longer, or something.....Maybe...... :|

love this one, love the light coming through the window.


This is perfect. It reminds me of Dali.
Ta, Christian!
Oddly enough, Don, as the "Harry Potter And The Crock Of Demonic Tripe" series was filmed adjacent to the same building, I wouldn't be surprised to see dripping clocks too!
I really like this image Zig. I do think however the light is a tad strong. An nd filter might have turned some good results also. Just a thought. Smile
Your picture has a very nice symmetry Zig... I like it Smile I agree with Colin about the light...

I want to buy one nd filter, but I am not too sure which one is the best... if the one that is completely dark or the one that is graduated...
Ta guys; good point Petographer; in fact, my others of this scene were more "normal" but I did actually increase the pseudo-halation/whiteout all on purpose!
Irma; I find a grad ND works best for me( I confess it's all I have too, apart from a screw-in polariser); I use it most for holding back skies so as to get cloud detail, etc;
I generally expose landscapes based around any well-lit greens, then just pop the grad in front, making sure the exposure doesn't change!