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Full Version: International RXT
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I had the opportunity to drive one of the first International RXTs in Canada. This is a prototype and my sisters boyfriend, who sells trucks has been allowed to drive it around and to fairs for promotion. We went out of town on Saturday to a fair and I was given the opportunity to drive it back home. I didn't have my camera with me at the fair as I had it packed back in its original packing for selling reasons. but when we got home I had to unpack it to get some shots of this rare truck. It is very overcast and dreary and I didn't take alot of time so the shots are so so. I used my 17-40 F4L for all shots. Thats me in the last shot. I had my sisters boyfriend take that.

[Image: RXT3.jpg]

[Image: RXT_1.JPG]

[Image: RXT4.jpg]
Overcast is best for shooting vehicles. Glad you unpacked the camera to give us a look at one of these monsters. It just scares me to think that people are going to actually buy these to leisurely drive around. Cool but not something we really need to see on the roads.
This is great. I was wondering what to buy. SUVs don't cost enough, use enough gas, or are big enough for me... Big Grin
I can't imagine this vehicle for anyone but the very rich. It is estimated (they don't know yet) that it will cost about $100,000 Canadian. And to fill the tank. Yiiikes!
Toad Wrote:This is great. I was wondering what to buy. SUVs don't cost enough, use enough gas, or are big enough for me... Big Grin

And plus, you get to park in bus parking bays coz it won't fit anywhere else... Big Grin
Ok now that is an ugly truck! It looks like a cross between a pickup and a real truck. What on earth would you use it for?
My guess would be towing 5th wheel motorhomes. That price puts it right in there to compete with the H2 Hummers top line.
Now that is what I call a live venue on wheels!
gooosh thats a biiig one.....

woman drives the best

