Great Capture, the weather vane really sets it off.
Forgive me if I am overly suspicious, G.
Is this modfied by any chance? The left bird looks like he is landing - and he is not in the right position to do that here. The perspective seems slightly off on the top bird.
Again - apologies if I am wrong.
Sorry, no fake here!
There were quite a lot of crows circling the church tower and having "discussions". BTW by some mistake they are in the "singing birds" list of the European Union, and must not be shot, except with a camera. And they can be quite a nuisance...
Sorry - once you get a rep for faking shots - people see them everywhere...
I should know...
Hey I like the juxtaposition between real birds and the "fake" weather vane... or maybe I'm reading too much into the image.

I guess crows don't like silver roosters.

Great shot, I would have loved to see them closer up