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Full Version: Photoshop fun...
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I was playing around with an image shot last summer and thought this was pretty cool.

[Image: Greta4.jpg]

Steps taken were:

* Converted to B&W using channel mixer adjustment layer
* Contrast imcreased using levels adjustment layer
* Used a 'Soft Light' layer (50% grey) to burn corners (perhaps too much but I like it)
* Added three overlay layers with colours to produce tones. Adjusted opacity to suit
* Resized image and copied into new image 4 times for each colour tone

What do you all think?
Looking good though you may want to check out this little ripper of a pluggin:
Nice idea; I like that vignette too.
I wonder what the same would be but with a tight crop on just the hands and navel(not being pervy here, but thinking the image would have quite a marked impact)
Kerridwyn: Thanks for the link...interesting stuff there but at the moment I still prefer doing everything by hand. Call me crazy if you want! Smile

Zig: Something like this?

[Image: Greta4a.jpg]
Wow, that's great!
Muzza! Big Grin
Stunning! That's exactly what I meant; excellent!
(omygawsh I just love being right!) Big Grin