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From the bus window

[Image: naturalskySM.jpg]
Hey lovely sky and clouds there Don. Smile

Beautiful colours, the flare of the sun works really well without drowning out the whole image, and the rim of light on that big cloud looks great.

I'm not normally a big fan of such harsh processing, but in this case I think it works really well with the sky.
I'm not sure about the trees in the shot, they do provide an "anchor" for the sky which is good I suppose, but they don't really add much to it.
I'm assuming as you were on the bus you didn't have time to get off and chop them down before taking the shot Tongue Or ask the bus driver to take a different route to get a different angle. Big Grin I can just imagine the look the bus driver would give you.
They give me those looks anyway Kombi. That's the price I pay for being a photographer.