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Full Version: Christmas Tree For Sale
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[Image: xmastreeSM.jpg]
Tree in captivity!
You should have heard it's desparate pleas. It didn't realize it was too late. It was cut from its root.

Incidentally, right after I took this shot the guy who owns the Christmas Tree concession asked me what I was doing. I told him I was involved in industrial espionage and I was plotting to steal his mojo. He chased me away. (Well he asked me he objected to my taking pictures of his trees). I left with a polite beg your pardon.
Haha, funny story...
The tree's were likely stolen thats why he's nervous about the camera. Big Grin Wat to go Don. It reminds me of a yearly task I've had to go through with the wife.

"Lets see that one. Pull it out and stand it up. Nope. How about that one? Nope. Try that one over there. Nope. What about the one in the back? Pull that one out. I'd like to see it. Nope. Maybe this one here? Can you untie it? Na, too skinny. Ooooh, there's one." On and on and on.... :o

Now we have artificial. Smile
cut from it's roots ---> it was on death row!
I'm not Christian but Jewish so I don't need one. But I think i t's a lovely ritual.
hehe.. good story Don.

And yeah, once they are cut from their roots they need to be fenced in to stop them running away.
So when you left, did you take the guy's Mojo with you? Big Grin
I made that story up. Actually I was very meek. He asked me why I was taking photos. He didn't seem to grasp the idea of taking pictures just for fun or because things interest me. He seemed to be a straight utlitarian bozo.
