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Full Version: Assignment #13: Repetition
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"Repetition is the death of art."
Robin Green, Northern Exposure

It's central to poetry and music, but it's often overlooked by photographers. For this assignment, create a photograph using repetition or rhythm as a primary design element. As always, use this thread to share your hits, misses, and discoveries.
Another interesting topic.. thanks for posting Matthew!

Sorry everyone, couldn't resist posting this one! Was from a surprise birthday party we attended. Big Grin

[Image: DSC_1149.JPG]
Some cute repetitive pigs :D

[Image: 4pigs.jpg]

[Image: 2pigs.jpg]
These piggies are cute! Smile

We just finished assembling this noble piece of furniture. Look at all these drawers! Can you say "repetition"? Big Grin

[Image: img_6771-01.jpg]
I'm still trying to get a good photo of train tracks.

[Image: Ties-6718.jpg]
i just love patterns...

[Image: 6%20windows.jpg]
Nice Patch!

All entries outstanding so far!!

Matthew: I like what you have done with the railway tracks. I did something similar a while ago that I was quite happy with in this thread...

Wow, great shots everyone... especially yours Patch. Keep up the good work...
Boring photo made semi interesting by repetition...

[Image: B&Big-city.jpg]
smarti77 Wrote:Boring photo made semi interesting by repetition...

Great technique smarti...
Awesome shot guys. Smarti, wow! How'd you do that?
The above technique is a downloaded photoshop action. Download for free at:


Its alot of fun to play around with. I want to get one printed quite large to see how it looks. You can also play with the perspective....

[Image: B&Big-Brandon.jpg]

Let me know if you have any problems with it. There are quite good instructions on the site.
I love that effect, thanks for sharing the action Smile
Two assignments in one:

[Image: 70692529_c789ad364c_o.jpg]

An abandoned piano, shot at 1/60s.
Fantastic shot matt!

I love to piglets too Big Grin
Mmmmmmmm Bacon Tongue
Quote:Mmmmmmmm Bacon

is funny how we all see different things in pictures...............I thinking xmas hams Big Grin
One of my favourite Simpsons moments... Big Grin

Quote:Homer: Wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute. Lisa honey, are you
saying you're *never* going to eat any animal again? What about
Lisa: No.
Homer: Ham?
Lisa: No.
Homer: Pork chops?
Lisa: Dad! Those all come from the same animal!
Homer: [Chuckles] Yeah, right Lisa. A wonderful, magical animal.
Two forms of repetition;

[Image: Find_my_way_home_by_Kerridwyn.jpg]

Poles leading the way back from were I came from - SouthBank, Melbourne, AUstralia
Camera: Canon EOS 350D

[Image: BarberShop_Quartet_by_Kerridwyn.jpg]

Clown game at the Melbourne Show - Flemington, Melbourne, Australia
Camera: Canon EOS 350D
I'm almost too embarrassed to show my go at this, the standard has been set very high! But it does say to share the misses as well as the hits...

[Image: IMG_1777.jpg]
I see no misses. Schell. Well done. Smile
Wow, great stuff everyone! I'm amazed at the quality of the shots here...
A style of repetition nobody's touched on yet:

[Image: icsmjc.jpg]

Another photo from the same series as my last one. Big Grin
Very interesting assignment Matthew... All pictures are really great!!

Well... Here is one of mine.... Nature... just for a change Wink

My idea was to have the same reflection two times in the droplets...

[Image: P1140294repetdrops.jpg]
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