I'm typing this up as the chat is progressing... can't copy and paste, so sorry for any typos.
More info about him --
What type of Equip do you use for photo journalism?
Hi all! Jonathan here. I apologize in advance for my slow typing and spelling mistakes... english is not my first language.. I use both 35mm cameras (canon) and medium format cameras for my portraits. I love the square format and I use a hasselblad for travel stored. I aslo use a mamiya 7 range finder camera.
When you travel do you have a backpack and recommend one in particular?
I love the lowepro computrekker aw pack. it is amazing and can fit a lot of gear. it has a laptop computer department which is great for my digital shooting.
If you go overseas how do you carry your equipment with you?
Usually i have 2 camera bags which I carry with me on the plane, and check in another case with lights, tripod. I always carry my shooting gear with me.
Do you mainly shoot people or objects?
I only shoot people!
Do you use really shallow depth of field look, and if so, how? T/S lens or photoshop?
Depending ont he assignment or project, I do like to use shallow depth of field so the subject I'm shooting is more prominent. Never use T/S.
What is the lens that you find you use most often?
90% of my work is done with wide angle lenses. Mostly 28mm i also love the 16-35 mm lens and the 24-70 mm lens
What ISO do you typically shoot with?
Usually 100 but it depends on the assignments. I will go up to 400, but the great thing about shooting digital is that even when you shoot at ISO 800 it looks great! I just got back from an assignment in kentucky about the meth epidemic in america, and shoot most of the assignment at iso 800 as the lighting conditions where very bad and I couldn't use flash.
Do you ask people in the shot before you shoot for approval to be photographed?
Usually I wlil not ask, but make sure they know I am phootgraphing them, and go ahead. I will never shoot someone that does not want to be photographed.
What is your essential photo equipment?
Canon EOS-1D Mk II, Eos 5D and medium format Hasselblad, and Mamiya 6 and 7
How many backups do you carry?
Has any piece of your equipment failed on site?
Yes, and it was a disaster. I always carry with me everything double since. Once my whole shoot was ruined because I had a bad sync cord. So now I carry 3 with me just in case.
If you shoot digital, do you shoot RAW? What is your favourite program?
I shoot both RAW and jpeg, depending on the assignment. I wll also shoot both at times, and then edit from the jpegs. I edit my photos on photo mechanic, it is a great and fast program that lets you caption and rename large batches of images. I process my RAWs in photoshop.
How did you preserve your equipment from dust/moisture in India?
I didn't.. and I should have. The work in india was all done with film, and the cameras are pretty resistant to the dust.
Do you always use a UV filter, do you actually have time to add filters to your lenses like a polarizer?
I do have a UV on every lens. I love to use the polarizing filter, especially for my travel assignments. I also like to use it for outdoor portrait and fill the subject with a strobe.
Looking at your photos, it appears you like to get close to your subjects - what focal length lenses and speeds do you prefer?
It's very important for me to get close to the subjects I shoot, and be as personal I can. I love the 28mm lens as it's wide but does not distort. I also like to work wiht the 16-35 and 24-70 lenses. I prefer full frame cameras.
What would be your ideal setup for macro?
I don't use macro very often, so it will be hard for me to say, although I recently rented the canon 100mm macro lens which was great.
Do you enhance photos iwth photoshop normally?
When I shoot digital I use photoshop very mildly, mostly with levels and contrast/brightness. My personal ethical rules are, that I will do whatever I would be able to do in the darkroom.
Do you use fill flash at all?
I do, I try to use natural light for the most part, but once in a while I will use fill flash when my subject is backlit.
The clothing in india is very colourful and vibrant. Do you do anything special to bring out that in your photos?
I don't have to! India is so colourful and as you said, especially the women with their saris are just a pleasure to photograph. When travelling in india I would pass by vast fields and see hundreds of saris in the horizon. It's great.
What has been your favourite photo assignment to this date and why? Thanks!
Well my favourite project was working on my Bollywood book. I spent 5 years working on it, and became more and more interested in the cinema culture in India after each trip I made. I like to go deep into the subject I work on.
What do you use most? Shutter or aperture priority?
I only use manual mode...
I've always been interested in photojournalism, just not the writing. Do you do your own writing or does someone do that for you?
Usually I have a writer wiht me when working on assignments. But when I work on my personal projects I need to do it. I struggle with it, but its very emportant for selling the story later. Captions for the images are also very important.
How do you get strangers on the street ot pose for the non-journalism projects?
Usually I will not have people on the streets pose for me. But I do love to shoot on the streets in a more candid way.
Do you think it is more feasible getting into photojournalism to put together a folio and show it, or try to apprentice with a known photojournalist and get the ropes shown to you?
Assisting the photographer is the best way to learn about the business of photography as well as learning to shoot better. You should work with a photographer and also work on your own projects at the same time and develop your skills.
While a non-technical question, what is your biggest concern when travelling to some of the destinations your work allows you to go?
I'm always a bit nervous before I go to a country or place I haven't been in. You never know how the people will react to the camera, and how the project or assignment will develop. In india it's hard to capture a natural moment ith people because as soon as they see the camera they smile and make strange faces. But in guatemala, they shy away from the camera as soon as they see it, so that's a challenge...
Do you also shoot portrats, what lens?
For portraits, I use a hasselblad square format with a 60mm and a 90mm
How often do you use/need a tripod?
I use a tripod quite a lot. I learned that a tripod can be your best source of light, and can enable you to still use natural light when it is low. I carry a small gitzu lightweight tripod with a strap on me all the time.
Do you work with an agency on assignments or do you freelance and hope to sell?
I freelance. I have established a relationship with several magazines in the US and europe and work directly with them. I am also on contract with newsweek magazine.
How do you approach your subjects on the street and do you pose them?
I will look at the personal I want to shoot and start taking the picture. If the subject does not want me to shoot I will not. There is an unspoken communication that enables you not to lose the moment. So I will usually not pose them.
When travelling what kind of portable tripod do you use?
A gitzu G1228
How and why did you get started (in pro photography)
I was a militar photographer in the Israeli army and spent a lot of time in the west bank, Gaza dn lebanon document the mlitary activities there. And developed a passion for photojournalism and documentary work there.
Do you often braket?
No, but I used to when I shoot slide film..
What tamron lens would be best for pet photography, zoom or fixed lens?
I experimented with the 18-200 lens which was realy great and was amazed ot have such wide range of focals with that quality.
What do you do for motivation when you go out to shoot?
The subject I'm photographing.
What do you look for when takin gphotos of people?
Well I look for something that will move me. If it's an emotional situation or an amazing face in the crowd. There should be some kind of connection and curiosity there.
When travelling in other cities, what sources do you use to pick out a location of interest?
I usually go on the web and read about the place I am going to go to. When going out of the US I buy the lovely planet guide which I love. I also spend the first day or two exploring the city looking for special places.
Do you travel alot?
I do about 3-4 assignments like that a year.
Can we assum you have asked all those recognisable people for a model release including minors?
No, I do not have the people I shoot sign releases, especially not in situations like that. Once in a while I will have a subject sign if it's a portrait or when the subject of the assignment requires it.
Now that most of all photography is done digitally, have you found that you do less B/W?
I haven't use B/W for a long time, but I will convert the image from RGB to graysacle when I decide the image I'm shooting is B/W. BUt I will only do it when I know I want the end photo to be in B/W.
Do you have a favourite place and where do you want to go?
I would love to go to new zealand, and my favourite is india.
With the Canon 20D, what lens would you use for close up shots of people?
What would be a good indoor low-light (no flash) wide lense?
28mm f/2
What external flash do you recommend?
I use the canon 500ex which is a good one
With the terrorist paranoia towards photography, have you had any trouble completing your assignments?
No problems so far. I have a lot of delays in airports with my equipment and trying to get my film hand checked.
Well folks... that's the end of the chat. Wow, he got up to question #73, which was an amazing effort... he/I skipped a few redundant or rubbish questions though, thankfully.
Bonus chat time with the Tamron Rep.... I asked a few questions:
I see there are a lot of similarities between the Tamron and Sigma lineup. How does the Tamron 18-200 compare to the Sigma 18-200?
Well I work for Tamron, so I'm biased. The Tamron 18-20 has won several awards for quality and innovation such as the TIPA lens of the year in Europe. Check test report results and try one for yourself at your local camera store. I think you will like Tamron.
Tamron seem to be bringing out smaller, lighter lenses all the time (which is great, mind you) - do you think there is much compromise in optical quality?
I shoot these lenses on a daily basis. No, with our optical enginners working overtime and using computers to assist in designs, along with many of the advanced technologiesTamron has developed and patented over the years, there is really little or no compromise in quality. We don't make office equipment. If we dont' make some of the best, most innovative lenses around, we don't eat. Test reports and user word of mouth bears this out as well.