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Full Version: Assignment #14: Inspiration
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Inspiration comes in many forms for photographers.

It may be the work of another artist;

It may be an outside interest, idea, or individual;

It may be a certain subject or place;

It may come from a core belief or be simply a way of being.

As the year comes to a close, I'm asking people to share their reasons for being photographers; the reasons why you pick up your camera. All photos are welcome, as are written comments and personal stories.
Before I started taking photography seriously, all I took were doggie pictures. On a 25-exposure APS roll, 22 would be of the dogs. I've been exploring a lot of other subjects in the years since then, but the antics of my dogs still makes me smile and reach for the camera.

[Image: ip9i0h.jpg]
Smile I think it was doggy photos that made me take my photography seriously. Smile
my daughter trying to draw some inspiration...
[Image: File0298.jpg]
Very nice theme for this assignment Matthew... Smile

Both pictures are lovely... The expression of the doggy is great... full of meaning... Smile

Patch your daughter is lovely... What a great moment you capture in this picture...

I have allways admired very much Petographer's work... His doggy and kitty pictures have been always and inspiration to me to make better pictures of my Lucky... I took this picture based on that inspiration Smile

I would have liked it to be better, with a more artistic pose of Lucky but I couldn't get it.... I also thought I could give this picture to Petographer on his birthday as it was intended... but I didn't find it suitable...

Anyway... Here is I think, one of my best pictures of Lucky...

[Image: DSC_0003-01luckybw.jpg]
Following the theme here,
my biggest inspiration to REALLY learn more about photography was the birth of my son...
[Image: Taliver_1copy.jpg]

I did have my SLR for about 2 years before he was born, but once I was at home with him, and started realising how quick he was growing up, I started taking alot more photos, and once I started taking lots more photos, I started wanting to know how to take BETTER photos!

Here's one reason he inspires me
[Image: IMG_1921edit.jpg]

capturing those moments which are gone in the blink of an eye- thats what has inspired me to be a better photographer.
There are some really great pictures already. I really appreciate the personal touch.

matthew Wrote:It may be a certain subject or place;

This is one of the places I had in mind.

[Image: ivzoye.jpg]

this is the Bathurst street bridge, and I work about ten minutes north of it. It's an old Victorian iron railway bridge, built about 80-90 years ago, and crosses eight tracks. Rail traffic includes two commuter / passenger services and both national rail companies, although there's very limited freight traffic. It's the occasional target of graffiti taggers, the occasional shelter of street kids, and hosts two lanes of traffic in each direction, including streetcars. South of it is Fort York, built to defend us from the Yanks, an elevated highway, old industrial buildings and new lakefront condos. North of it is a Lamborghini dealership, contaminated land, and more old industrial buildings and fledgling condos.

I think I would be shocked by just how many of my photos are taken from, of, under, or near this bridge.
Great inspirational image Patch. Irma, your kind words made my day. You are so kind. Smile Your image of Lucky is great and did a great job.
Today I stumbled on a photographer who's work I haven't seen before,
Joyce Tenneson
She has definately inspired me to strive for greater photos.
That's a great website. I've seen her profiled in a magazine before, but I can't remember which one... it'll come to me. (Maybe.) Thanks for the link.

I feel a little sheepish posting my own link, but inspired by this thread, I've gone back through my 2005 photos and collected my best from my favourite bridge.


That makes two year-end retrospectives for me, which seems just a little excessive.
...and I don't want to give the impression that I only have one dog. Here's the boy of the pair.

[Image: 78266997_81c1e70d05_o.jpg]
Lovely shot matthew - great definition... you can see the hairs on its nose!