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Full Version: which one - if any? [warning: pictures contain animal corpses]
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[Image: fly%20copy.jpg][Image: fly2%20copy.jpg]

I like the composition of the first (left) one better, but unfortunately, the fly is out of focus.

what do you think?
do you have links to larger versions? I'm really not sure what I'm looking at...
Not exactly sure what I'm looking at either (I'm guessing based on the descriptions)...

But I think I prefer #1 because of the perspective. #2 appears to be tilted at some wierd angle (you were trying to align the beam of light with the edges of the frame?)
Big Grin

I hope I'm not misinterpreting the post.........
I think that just m-a-y-b-e you are taking the Mik...... Big Grin

Sorry if I.m wrong. :o
sorry, here is the first one


and yes, ST, I was trying to use the light as a frame, but then as you say, the perspective gets screwed. it's just a shame, the fly is out of focus in the first.
hm, here is the other one


if anyone wants to give their opinion............