Used the Camedia Master 4.2 I received with my C-8080 and find it very limited in it's abilities. Considering upgrading or purchasing something new. Anyone have experience with the Camedia Pro version? How about Adobe Elements, Media Chance Photobrush or PhotoSuite 7 (Roxio)? I've read a few good reviews of these.
Hi and welcome mustang67,
I must say that I have had no experience with the camedia software, so I cannot comment on that.
I use Adobe Photoshop Elements, Paint shop Pro, and photo Impact, and find the interface of Elements to be wry polished and intuitive, and just... right. In terms of features, I don't think I find anything lacking .
All the titles that you've mentioned should have trial versions too, so perhaps give then a go.
oh by the way, do share - how's the 8080?
I've used PSP for years. Now it's at version 8.1
Personally I really rate it. It's been good enough for the production of numerous wedding photos and many, many, more jobs.
I can also, (of course), recommend Capture one software for Pentax and Canon Raw files.