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Full Version: ANZAC day
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ANZAC day last year, took a roll of b&w with my trusty 50mm

the mounted police
[Image: File0362_1.jpg]

up close
[Image: File0379_1.jpg]

old diggers
[Image: File0369_1.jpg]

old nurses
[Image: File0377_1.jpg]

g'day from WA
[Image: File0382_1.jpg]
Wonderful pictures all!
Those colors are perfect!
Up close is the one that caught my attention. Great colors and composition Smile
Wow, great stuff Patch! It looks like they're from 30 years ago...

I really like the compositions - the first two are my favourites. Big Grin
great series Patch

I like the young digger in there with the old diggers.........good to see!

I really like #1 and #3. You have captured the sprit of the day!
yeah, it was a great day. beaut weather, lots of activities and people.

that big majestic looking horse leading the parade dropped a big "load" on the road just before the start, and boy, you should have seen the fancy footwork the guys did to avoid it. some blokes who saw the the hazzard too late just stepped right into it, literally.

uuhmm pretty police officer "up close" only in australia!!
