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Full Version: Wild Musk-Rat
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Shot these last Summer with the 70-200 f/4, it wasn't easy as these animals are very vigilant and hide from humans.

[Image: Water-Rat.jpg]

[Image: Muskrat-at-home.jpg]
Way to Go! These are rare to be seem. Smile
Good hunting
Wow, swimming rats! You guys have some wierd creatures over there! I suppose you might say the same about our giant 2 legged rats that hop around over here... Big Grin

I really admire all your wildlife shots, John... shows a lot of patience and dedication. Great stuff!
i really like your photos . They keep telling me to get out in the woods and take some photos. Never thoguht about taking pictures of a muskrat, great shots .

Quote:Wow, swimming rats! You guys have some wierd creatures over there! I suppose you might say the same about our giant 2 legged rats that hop around over here...
this coming from the country that has the only mammal that lays eggs...Big GrinWink ( the duck billed plattipuss ( sp ) ) .....and hes/she is venomus. OUCH!!!!

Anybody got any platypus photos? Now THAT would be a challenge, one of the few animals I've never seen out on my bushwalks.

I can't beleive I'm saying this, but that rat actually looks sorta cute Big Grin nice photos Smile
Some of you might have the wrong idea about what a muskrat actually is. Because Janika chose to hyphenate the name you might think it is of the rat family. They are from the beaver family.
Believe it or not, I still don't have a decent Raccoon or Skunk shot, nor a beaver, but I've seen a water-rat last Summer and I had no camera on me. Water rats are smaller than Musk-rats and they don't have the long tail. They also move slower. Thanx for the comments, Pls stand by, More to come. Wink
