No, this isn't a posted in the wrong forum..
At church today, the pastor challenged us to bring a friend or two next week if we enjoyed this week's service... that got me thinking.
Have you ever "preached" the benefits digital photography to anyone? Ever "convert" any film users to the digital path? Are you so happy with your photography that you just have to share it with others? How did they take it?
Just curious...

It's hard to convert the choir. Almost everyone I know has a digital camera already.
I was out with two film photographers last year, and I did enjoy being able to show them my results immediately, maybe a little too much. One of them has since converted, but I don't think that has anything to do with me.
On the other hand, I still have a film camera kicking around, and have been tempted to expose my last three rolls of film just for the experience. While I was separated from my camera at the start of my vacation (always bring a spare...) I was seriously considering picking up any cheap manual film SLR from a pawn shop. There are still university "continuing education" classes that require a film camera and teach darkroom work.
I know my wife still swears by her compact film camera...
I often let her play with my D50 and she does enjoy the instant feedback, but at the end of the day she just wants to put film in, snap, drop it off and get prints back...

From the way you live your good life, others will want it to.
I've seen it done... group of mostly digital users getting instant feedback and being able to view their pictures while a film user had to wait, then film user goes digital... sound familiar?

I've converted a couple of colleagues at the camera club to digital... however, they got me to buy a 35mm SLR for slide shooting!