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i recently saw most of the work of Manuel Librodo. I think he is a great portrait photographer and most of his portrails are of great calibre and very expresive. love his work

this is his gallery

his website


Very nice indeed; breathtakingly so in many ways, though I find the shots I've seen a little formulaic and even sanitised(sorry to be blasphemous, only a personal opinion there byrt!) No one does it better than Sebastiao Selgado in my book: less pose and more grit..? Mind you, highly, highly skilled indeed and many thanks for the links.
wow, they are really nice.
his lightning is interesting, and his subjects just stunning.

zig: yes well there two photographer and two technicks here. salgado is also one of my favorite photographer just because for his portraits are very sincere and very real-istic more incline to journalism and as well for his b/w work

