I had to grab a few 'low-light' photos for my class, and this is one I took yesterday. It was hard to get the shutter right (with timer), but this one turned out the best. Because of some of the 'rules' we had to follow, I had to shoot the image at iso 100 and daylight WB. Other settings f/4.5, 15sec, shot at 17mm.
Btw, yes thats me in the picture!
Hey, wow! These lines, that must be a plane coming in? Impressive!
Edit: Ah, I see, you said it already in the title.

guerito Wrote:Hey, wow! These lines, that must be a plane coming in? Impressive!
Edit: Ah, I see, you said it already in the title. 
Hehe, Yup. You can see another plane far in the distance over the bridge coming in. I think I'd like to redo the shot down the road, maybe with no clouds, and I'll probably put the shutter on bulb, so it shows the lines from the bridge and all the way over. I think it'll look pretty sweet, although I'll have to stand pretty still for a while.
This is impressive. Mysterious.
Nice! Really finely done with the light sources and exposure there g.
Hey very cool effect... I like it! Nice to see you too!

echo the above.........very
Gujustud, you did a great job of standing still, did you hold your breath??
well done with the pic
Great shot! A very original twist on the light trails usually done with cars. And a lovely sky for it too!
I particularly like the little punctuations made by the little white strobe lights on the wing-tips.

Thanks everyone for the comments. No running on the runway needed You can drive up near a fence just where the planes come in at YVR, so its pretty easy to get close. I think the best part of watching the planes come in overhead ot waiting till they pass, then waiting a little longer for the sound of the engines to pass. Then if you wait a few seconds longer you hear the sound of the vortex caused by the wingtips, VERY cool!
So as much as I thought, "yes" this is the perfect picture of my class, I ended up deleting my damn CF card. I ran SD RescuePro 3.0, but of almost all the images it saved, this was one that it didn't. ARG! Next time remind me not to pull the image directly from the CF Card into PS, but to copy the image first to your harddrive, THEN edit it. I have to print the image for class, and since its already resized and dpi72, I can't print it without major loss of quality. DAMN!
Okay I lied. I just spent the last 2 hours searching every directory on my computer, and finally found I did copy them to my HD. Wow, this day just became awesome!
Thanks everyone for your comments!
Russt Wrote:Gujustud, you did a great job of standing still, did you hold your breath?? 
I know, I surprised myself when I saw the picture. It was pretty windy that night I took it, and the wind was sure howling, I was surprised I came out pretty still in the picture.