Mar 2, 2006, 13:08
As discussed in the earlier thread Logo work I am looking for a logo that best represents my business and the style of photography that Cloverdale Photography performs. I have come up with these basic guidelines for the creation of Cloverdale Photographyâs logo. Cloverdale Photographyâs main focus is not just around animal and pet photography as earlier mentioned in this thread Logo work but keeping in mind that Cloverdale Photography does in fact do animal and pet photography, it could somehow be included in the design. I have decided that having a focus of just animals and pets sets a limitation to the type of photography that Cloverdale Photography performs. Other types should also be kept in mind such as âevent photographyâ, âportrait photographyâ, etc.
1- The logo must include 2 parts. a) name b) artwork c) tag line or catch phrase can be used but is not necessary.
2- 4-5 colours maximum.
3- Artwork should not be too detailed. The logo will at one point be embroidered on shirts and hats. The examples in the Logo work are good references. Aside from Slejhamer's alien possessed dog posts.
4- File to be submitted by the winner should be a psd file at least 1024x 768px and no less than 800x600 px.
Submissions should be e-mailed as jpg images no larger than 150kbs to . Donât forget to give your name and Shuttertalk user name. Go ahead and post your example in this very thread but there will only be one rule. There should be no tweaking of an already posted submission by another member. Similarities are fine.
Prize!!! Yes, there will be a prize.
A $45.00 Amazon gift certificate.
The contest will start immediately and end Sunday March 26, 2006 @ 12:01 am pacific time. At some point during the day of March 26, 2006 the winner and runners up will be posted in this thread.
Good luck!
Please note, there has been a revision to the rules. A tag line is not necessary. Include on or not. It is your choice. Also make note that the end date has been extended until the 28th.
1- The logo must include 2 parts. a) name b) artwork c) tag line or catch phrase can be used but is not necessary.
2- 4-5 colours maximum.
3- Artwork should not be too detailed. The logo will at one point be embroidered on shirts and hats. The examples in the Logo work are good references. Aside from Slejhamer's alien possessed dog posts.

4- File to be submitted by the winner should be a psd file at least 1024x 768px and no less than 800x600 px.
Submissions should be e-mailed as jpg images no larger than 150kbs to . Donât forget to give your name and Shuttertalk user name. Go ahead and post your example in this very thread but there will only be one rule. There should be no tweaking of an already posted submission by another member. Similarities are fine.

The contest will start immediately and end Sunday March 26, 2006 @ 12:01 am pacific time. At some point during the day of March 26, 2006 the winner and runners up will be posted in this thread.
Good luck!
Please note, there has been a revision to the rules. A tag line is not necessary. Include on or not. It is your choice. Also make note that the end date has been extended until the 28th.