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Full Version: Snow Again (Dogs beware of cat pictures!)
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Yes it's snowing again. Someone obviously heard my regular complaints that the winters aren't what they used to be anymore. As much as I love it around Christmas, I'm rather fed up with it by now. Anyway, Lucky likes it better than rain.

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BTW we have good news from Lucky: We've been to the vet with her for a checkup. She had been diagnosed with FIV (like HIV but feline) three years ago. This time, she tested negative. They tried two different tests, even. There is no explanation for this miraculous healing, except that the first test was false, which the vet doesn't believe either. We are very happy, of course, and poor pampered Lucky is on diet (she weighs 7.5 kilos!) Big Grin
Good for Lucky!
Well, too bad about the diet, but the test results make up for it.
Great shots G. The first looks like she's mad for being kept in this spot for a photo. Big Grin Tasha also things the news is fantastic and wishes her friend well. So do I.Smile
Hooray for lucky! May you all share many more wonderful pics together.. Big Grin
Thanks! Smile
Glad to hear the good news G... although Lucky doesn't look quite as happy as you must be!
(that probably has more to do with a cold wet bum from sitting in the snow I guess) Big Grin