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Full Version: Two landscapes from Toscana
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Something good about winter is that you have a lot of time to stay at home and work in your pictures... I have discovered some I hadn't work with from Toscana. Our trip was exactly a year ago, and still discovering pictures...

These two were taken with the FZ20, so I had some problems with colors and noise, as I didn't have enough time to practice before the trip...

A foggy morning in San Gimignano.

[Image: P1010860foggylandscblue.jpg]

This is as well, San Gimignano but from another viewpoint, and it was taken in the afternoon...
I worked with the original and another jpg with different exposure with photomatix, afterwards I worked a bit morewith PS to get the colors and mood I wanted...

[Image: P1010761_HDRSnGimwall.jpg]

Hope you like them Smile
Wow! I really like that second shot Irma. Very nice. Smile
These are the shots you DISCARD!!! I hope you never delete anything Irma!
Excellent - beutiful color tones on #2 - and great mood on #1.

#1 works really well how it is - I also wonder how it would look without the foreground bush - more abstract I think. I often do multiple interpretations of the same shot - you might try it to see if you like it.

Either way - super work.
Petographer: I also like a lot this view of the ancient city, and the colors I got in this one...

Schell, unfortunately, I deleted a lot of my pictures from Toscana, all my pictures from the mediterranean sea Sad... They had foggy horizon and too much noise, and I thought they were wrong and I wouldn't be able to do anything useful with them... You can't imagine how much I have regreated to have done it ... Those days I was working with PSP and my knowledge about post processing was very limited, so.... Sad Sad Sad.....

We have to go again!! Big Grin

Now I am more careful about deleting pictures...

Toad, Thanks a lot for your advice... From this view I have one without bush I post processed long ago... and some others with a tree framing the landscape... I will try as you said to make more interpretations of this one... Smile

Thanks a lot for your comments Smile
Nice #1 and #2.
I like the tones in #2! and the foggyness of #1!
Beautiful shots, Irma. Really love them.

I've always wanted to shoot one of those "layers upon layers" of hills and fog... it's really lovely.

The second pic has a really "old world" kind of feel and I really like the glow. Top stuff!