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[Image: _DSC7469-01yellow.jpg]


A tree is a lens,
a viewfinder, a window.
I wait below
for a message
of what is yet to come.

by Rochelle Mass

Complete poem here Smile
Very pretty, looks cold though. Wink
Wow, that picture is amazing, Irma! The colour of the light is beautiful, and I love the composition and elements in the frame. Very special indeed.

Actually it reminds me of a poster for a movie...

[Image: big_fish.jpg]

Thanks for your comments NT, ST Smile

ST this poster is beautiful! Very artistic!! It gives me nice ideas... Thanks Smile
i love that movie Tongue

Great shot irma, the poem works well for it. Your processing is supurb
Very nice Irma. When I first started to scroll down the page I first saw just the tree top and the sky. I thought it was another sepia conversion and thought "wow" nice colour.
Thanks Schell, Colin for your comment Smile

I took this picture early in the morning in one of my favorite places. The lake with the boat... At the moment I was taking my pictures the sun brightened the tree for just few minutes and could take the picture... The clouds were a bit low so I've got an interesting sky as well...

I want to apologize that I am showing mainly trees, but the landscape it is not to nice at the moment...