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Full Version: Aneirin. Warning! Slight nudity in a tasteful way.
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Made you look .Tongue Well, he isn't wearing clothes.Rolleyes
Aneirin is his name. I'm not sure I pronounce it right. Smile He's an American Shorthair kitten.

[Image: Aneirin-026-web.jpg]

[Image: Aneirin-063-web.jpg]

[Image: Aneirin-056-web.jpg]
Yes you made me look, but I like cute kitties wether they are human or not. Big Grin

Another adorable model, although he's got this grumpy look that says "Your leg looks a lot like a scratch post". Smile
Business must be booming! Thats fantastic! Cool

He is a really cute kittie, love the first shot!
Oh... This is so sweet!
It looks shy somehow... I don't know... he has very lovely expression... maybe because he is round face... I don't know why but Garfield came to my mind... Smile

He has the same white strip as Lucky has in her face... I love it...
All are great pictures... Is he a bit smaller than the others? It looks like so to me...
Any more of these dirty pictures, Colin?? Big Grin
Thanks y'all. This breed does look a little grumpy. They're as sweet as any kitten though. They have a bit of a "bulldog" look to them. I posted an American Shorthair a while back but a different colour. He had the stripes of a tabby and was against a green bg with a ribbon.

Toad- I guess you missed these while on business. I did a show recently.