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I got three exposures but as there was a lot of detail in the trees, the HDR image was a bit blurred... so from one raw file with the best exposure I got two more TIFs... I reduced the effect in photomatix to 40 percent and work my post processing in PS... The picture was a bit noisy so I worked with neat image and it took away a bit of detail but it gave me a nice effect instead...

[Image: DSC_1205-01HDRbridge.jpg]

Thanks for your comments Smile
Very nice Irma. You sure are turning out some great hdr images.Smile
Thanks Colin... I am very happy you like it!! Smile

It looks a bit like a painting... but somehow looks friendlier... I think...

And you?... When will you give us the big surprise with an HDR? .... Big Grin

Have you tried with kitties... I haven't with Lucky because I don't have a picture I like, but I have seen pictures of kitties and they look so sweet...
I really like how sharp it appears, the bridge really jumps out at me.

Pity about the overhanging leaves on the left, but it's a very nice pic nevertheless. Big Grin
Yes - it is very sharp - and very nicely exposed/processed.
shuttertalk Wrote:Pity about the overhanging leaves on the left, but it's a very nice pic nevertheless. Big Grin
Yes I really didn't like it... but to avoid those leaves I would have had to take the picture in portrait format... I thought I wouldn' work well...

This is a little channel around the castle, and you can see this view just if you walk down hill near the shore... It was a bit of a challenge since I was carrying tripod, bag and camera and the slope was very muddy... and still I there I couldn't avoid these branches... I want to take this same picture in summer to see the differences of the place through the year...

Thanks a lot for your comments ST , Toad... Smile
I like it very much. Supurb
Thanks Schell Smile