She likes this though....
Rufus Wrote: hated.jpg
To be honest - the angle of the swings/chains and lines + the colours make me feel slightly giddy and nauseous. I usually like orange, it's one of my favourite colours so maybe it's something to do with the chains and other lines in the shot?
I wouldn't say I hated the pic - it just does strange things to my sense of balance and eyes. There's something strange about it and I don;t thing the image is likely to grow on me if I study it more closely.
I like the sheep pic... it's very cheeky sort of.
The first pic... my eye can't seem to find a strong enough subject to focus on...
*vomits over laptop*
woahhh! dizzy!
yeah i think the seats over the same colours o nthe ground sorta makes u feel icky ..
Sorry Rufus.. I have to agree with the masses on this one. A bit too striking I think.
My two cents worth: I don't mind the shot, but I think perhaps zooming out a little to capture more of what's around might be more interesting?
Hey Rufus - long time no see.
I am going to go against the crowd. I like this one. I would reduce the brightness on it a bit, but I like the ambiguity and off kilter composition of the image.
Lol... maybe it can be classified as abstract art