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Full Version: Dog trouble!
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[Image: daft%20dogs-0028.jpg]
She stole my soup!
[Image: daft%20dogs-0019.jpg]
I stole her slippers!
Poppy I presume? I love it when dogs stick their noses into cups, they look so cute Big Grin

Here's a bird - see the prize in its beak.
[Image: tn_nutz.jpg]

Wow polly!
I like that, so nice
and the background, very nicely blurred
and the bird... with the prize.. ahh! nice Smile
fluffy bird
adam Wrote:Wow polly!
I like that, so nice
and the background, very nicely blurred
and the bird... with the prize.. ahh! nice Smile
fluffy bird

Thank you! It's a young Blue tit, we have lots of them coming and going at the moment.

I used a Sigma 170-500mm lens on the Pentax istD.

ISO 400, F 6.7, 1/350, and focal length was 350mm (hence the blurred background)

I agree - nice shot of the bird, Polly! Big Grin