Hey all, I went back to see if I could improve on a shot I took not long back. Sorry if the the subject wears a bit thin.....its just that my sister was after a print, so I thought I would try to better my last shot.
C&C welcome.
thanks for looking...........yes no more
Tried a new crop, a tad more saturation and sharpened a wee bit; so much mood in the shot, I thought a tighter crop and stronger composition would help.
Killing time here! Same sorta treatment.
Zig thanks for your feed back........I appreciate it.
I see what you are talking about with your crop example, and I really like the saturation!
#1 is outstanding to me for the loooooooooong ligth reflection on the water and the way the reflection is split.
among the others, #5 is my favorite for its tones, and acutally on my screen it looks just fine in terms of saturation.
the two versions have profoundly different character to me, 2-5 are way mokre peaceful, kind of awaiting what's going to happen, very still.... whereas #1 is more of a postcard shot. that would be the basic decision for me to make, depending on what your sister likes.
great work! and BTW I don't remember seeing this before :-) (my lack of attention probably)
thanks for your comments Uli, I think you have summed up my own thoughts on the shots. I like #1 for the split light etc and #5 would be my favorite.
I will send my sister down a few and she can make up her own mind.
she may well go with the original I showed her. It has a much better reflection.
The wind was a little too strong and the sun is comming up in the wrong area now (to the left of shot). I feel I am yet to get the shot I am after.........
Beautiful, silky smooth shots. I like #4 the best... #1 doesn't quite work because I think with lights on water, either you have a lot or not at all.
#3, #4 and #5 seem similar, but I think I like it best without the foreground sihlouettes.
I like no.4 too, the foreground is cleaner and improves the composition. I also like the extra saturation in Zig's edit.
Number 1 for me but #4 is also quite nice and calm.
Thanks ST, Smarti & Peto, your feed back helps........I agree the forground sihlouettes don't add much to the shot. Being closer and having the subjet more up front is what you seem to like in #4. What I don't like is the subject going over the horizon and there is not enought room between it and the horizon. Also with the long exposure the netting was moving in the breeze and make the shot look softer than it is.
your thoughts help........thanks again
I think I like Zig's crop of number 5. Number 1 is nice for the reflection of the lights - but the tones are not as nice.