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Full Version: New Scanner, Canon 8400F
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I have been scanning in some of my old slides, does anyone have any tips on settings for best results?


Pete D
Hey Pete,
Congrats on the scanner. I've had a brief look at that model previously and it looks very nice. I'd be interested to hear about (and see) your results.

I haven't had a huge amount of experience with scanners (I don't scan much at all and just use a Canon LIDE 30 I was given as a gift), but here are two pieces of wisdom I can offer you:

1. Calibrate and profile your monitor and scanner... (read more about it somewhere like http://www.photographical.net/scanner_profiling1_2.html)

2. Scan with VueScan (http://www.hamrick.com/) at the highest resolution and bit-depth you can manage, then downsample in photoshop if you need to.