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Full Version: Missionary
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Kneeling position. Maybe not, but that is what I saw before I rotated it.

[Image: 66_missionary.jpg]
I'm always a fan of rotating reflections - it makes them into a Rosarch ink-blot test of sorts - doesn't it?
missionary or not - I am not too sure about that, but i like it! feel like I might have rotated it a wee bit more clockwise.... nicely spotted there!

Nice NT - The "hands" look very real.
I see what you see!! What does that say about me!
Nice one , well spotted. Also a very good title. Big Grin

Pol Big Grin
Glad you all seem to like it.

Toad... Yes it does. What the heck is a rosarch ink blot test Sad

Wulinka ... I thought I had got the vertical reflection line straight but obviously not. New glasses next (spectacle kind not Canon L Big Grin

Wedding Shooter... I missed that. I took those as shoulder to elbow, but hands is definitely better.Wink

English Bob... What does that say about me? Probably religious and English.Big Grin

Polly...Sometimes titles play a part, othertimes the picture itself is the title.
A Rosarch test is a psychological test where the subjects are shown spots of ink - generally blotted into a symetrical shape around a center fold - and asked to describe what they see. What you see in a random blot (when no real picture exists) tells the psychologist a lot about you (supposedly).
Toad Wrote:A Rosarch test is a psychological test where the subjects are shown spots of ink - generally blotted into a symetrical shape around a center fold - and asked to describe what they see. What you see in a random blot (when no real picture exists) tells the psychologist a lot about you (supposedly).
A new one on me. Sounds like when my parents went to the fortune teller, to have their tea leaves read. :o
Toad Wrote:A Rosarch test is a psychological test where the subjects are shown spots of ink - generally blotted into a symetrical shape around a center fold - and asked to describe what they see. What you see in a random blot (when no real picture exists) tells the psychologist a lot about you (supposedly).
Haha, reminds me of making shapes out of clouds when you're on a long drive...
shuttertalk. Wrote:Haha, reminds me of making shapes out of clouds when you're on a long drive...
I hope you are the passenger and not the driver.Big Grin