I was just wondering if any of you use or have used any books to learn Photoshop, which ones they were and if you found them helpful.
like everyone I am mostly a learn-by-doing photoshopper, but I am sure I am not using even a fraction of it's potential.
I would like to get hands on a book that teaches the principles, so that I actually understand why I do what, but at the same time doesn't overkill me, so I still have time to try out what I learn...
any suggestions?
I have an excellent book called "Photoshop CS2 for Digital Photographers". It has everything you need without all the stuff you don't.
Worth having a look at - don't worry if you aren't using CS2, it still is useful.
I use 'How to Use Adobe Photoshop CS2" by Daniel Giordan, "Visually in Full Color", its simple enough (even I can follow it) with coloured shots describing every action. Bought for Aus$44.95. Funny how the books that come with software aren't always easy to follow :|
I have the following books that have proved useful:-
The Photoshop CS Book for Digital Photographers - Scott Kelby
The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers - Scott Kelby
Photoshop CS in Easy Steps - Robert Shufflebotham
Photshop CS2 Gone Wild - Sherry London
How to do everything with your digital camera - Dave Johnson (has everything in it including basic photoshop)
I've used all these books plus a few others that weren't so good.
Thanks guys!
chris, who's the author?
I have to second the Kelby books. He is a PhotoShop God...
Anything by Scott Kelby. I have a book on Elements by him, and he's excellent.
Scott Kelby - it is the same book as recommended by EnglishBob.
I'll add my name to the Scott Kelby fans! His books are excellent.
There are also good tips and tutorials online from Russell Brown, though many of the tutorials do require some working knowledge of PS. He's a Senior Creative Director at Adobe. His website can make him appear to be a bit 'wacky' his quicktime tutorials are excellent.
Here's the link
For those of you that don't know it, Scott Kelby also hosts free weekly video podcasts on PhotoShop techniques and tricks.
Hmmm... I think I will start a new thread with the details rather than bury it in this one.
Please tell me about "plugins". Are they useful? Do you use them frequently? Etc/
Hi Ieona,
Plugins are other "programmes" that pug in to photoshop to allow you to do things in Photoshop so that you don't have to launch another program to run them. An example would be Noise Ninja - a very good noise reduction program that can be used directly in photoshop as a plugin.
They are very useful (some more than others).