I am putting these in here for yalls input on them. I know that yall will be honest with me . This is just the first roll that i got back and i should be getting back the rest soon. I have 1 of the originals to post , cuz i did a lot of work to it , cloning and stuff like that . Please tell me what yall think.
#1 This is the Original to the next one
# 2 This is the worked on one
# 3 here is a BW conversion with a " glow " added . Is it too much ?
#4 Here is the group shot that i got ( notice i said the , this is the only one , and there is a little boy missing too ) ...
#5 , Another one of the bride and groom , with a lot of blur , im not sure that i like the blur but the colors look better to me than the original.
i do have 1 or 2 shots of them outside that i am waiting to get back , and all of these were taken with the flash that is on the camera ( not a seperate one , i dont know what to call them

) . Like i said before i dont have the right equipment to shoot weddings so i had to make due LOL , and it was a freebee too .
......... Thanks for looking , and im sorry these are so " standard " .... Shawn
I'm looking at these on my notebook but I'm not sure that even matters. It looks like you did a fine job. A couple minor issues maybe but thats it. I'm certainly no wedding photographer. One is how you spread` the brides gown. It is so huge that the couple themselves seem small. I'm not sure if spreading the gown in this way was the right way to go. In the bride portrait there appears to be some blown areas but that might be because of viewing on my notebook as I said. All in all I think you did a great job Shawn.

Thanks Peto , i see what you are saying about the gown . I have been wondering why they look so small in the shots and that has to be the problem . We wanted to " show " the gown off , cuz it was the best thing at the wedding LOL . ( i shouldnt have said that shame on me ) .
I guess no one else liked these LOL no on has responded to the post . LOL
........ Thanks Peto again ......... Shawn
Pretty amazing train on the gown.
I would be pretty happy with #3 and #4. #3 is very arty and #4 is a group shot where everybody looks pretty good - that is a very difficult thing to get in the mandatory group shots.
In #1 and #2 - I am not terribly happy with the groom's pose - I think it is the spread legs not quite working. It is incredibly hard when you are doing a wedding to properly look at every detail of a scene when you are under pressure. Particularly with the groom - photographers focus on the bride and tend to ignore the groom.
BTW: very skillful removal of the fans, vents, etc in #2 - as you know I am a major believer in photo retouching and I applaud that sort of effort. #2 is a serious candidate for "main" wedding shot - maybe do a bit of burning on the dress and you are good to go. My advise is to scan dark to get the highlight details from your negative and then lighten from there as required.
I think that is why pro wedding photographers use poses that are tried and true for them - and reuse those poses when they work. They know what will work and what to look for.
There are a few blown highlights on the dress - but these will probably be much better when printed from the original film - rather than scanned and then printed. As for apologizing for being "standard" - no problem there. These are really quite original as far as wedding shots go - and you should be very proud of these as your virgin effort. My first wedding wasn't as good as this for sure.
Hi Shawn,
I just saw this post. Would like to see the outside shots. With the first one - wow, the more I look at number two the more I see how much you have done.
To make it better I would suggest you rotate a little to right (clockwise) and clean up the flash shadow from the left side of their heads.
Number 3 has too much glow for my liking and I would say it is contributing to the blown out dress. Lovely expression on her face though.
Number 4 is fine for a group shot - well done.
Number 5 I find I don't like due to the heads dissappearing into the picture (the shadow from the flash doesn't help). Also the colour will look different to all the other shots in the church. The highlights look blown - probably because of the pp work you have done - prints from original film maybe a lot better. Could also use some rotation.
Agree with Peto and Toad on the posing of the groom and the positioning of the train.
Considering the hassle you went through Shawn - I think it is great that you were able to get these. You were limited with qty of film and time to shoot (through no fault of your own) and you have done a great job.
Hi BD, I agree with the above..........and would also say well done. By the sound of it I bet your glad its behind you now.......

or is it :o
I put a critique on this morning but must have forgotten to hit submit.
All I said seems to have been repeated in one form or another.
So pretty good work for a first BD. I could not have matched it.
Yall ,
I gave these my best effort ,and i think the B and G will be happy with the majority of them, ( and if not THEN HIRE A PRO !!

) . Just kidding , they havent seen any of these yet so i am still working out the " kinks " and then i will show them..
Thanks Again Yall.......... Shawn
Nice, I read your whole story on this wedding before.. And I think the people got what they paid for. Good work making the best out of the most you had to use! I like the third one - the black and white is a nice touch..the glow goes good. Great work!
Thanks NP .
I am still working on the rest of the shots ( no not all of them ) but they have a few that they want in a collague ( sp ) . And im getting pretty good at doing them so i figure ill spend a little time doing some for them.
........... Shawn