Hey folx,
Its the weekend again, time for me to get off the net and go do this photography thing, weekends full of scantily clad women, I dunno, its a hard life but someone has to do it
See you all next week!
Oh and be good, and if you can't be good, be careful!
Some people have all the luck...
I'm house hunting this weekend!
I'm going to have a busy weekend <_>~
Ok life was put on hold, I have to burn a batch of cds for the young blokes footy team photos for all the parents so here I am wasting some time while they burn.
Everyone having a good weekend?
Not too bad...
Saw this house which we really like... 10 year old 3 bedroom...
Come back with some good shots Jamie. I wanted to go to the P.N.E. and see the Eukanuba Superdogs and snag some doggy photos. Looks like rain so that puts a damper on that idea.
shuttertalk Wrote:Not too bad...
Saw this house which we really like... 10 year old 3 bedroom...
That looks like a nice place!
So far this w/e I've done a Supermarket run, wasted too much dosh on cream cakes, French cheese, Garlic sausage etc.. that was yesterday evening. Then today I set about getting the greenhouse tidied up - cutting back the tomato plants that had run amok - got rid of some of them and weeded the paths and some of the beds.
shuttertalk Wrote:Not too bad..
Saw this house which we really like... 10 year old 3 bedroom...
That is a bungalow, not a house. Flippin' Australians!
My weekend?
Drove out at crack of dawn.
Drove back.
Had lunch.
Fell asleep.
Woke up.
Just a normal day really....................
Do you live in a bungalow now?
Can I call you Bill?
Rufus that is a house, shuttertalk, if you want I'll help you find some good houses if you want to move up here, or any one, I want some one to go photoshooting with =)
That's a bungalow.
Define bungalow:
"A single storey dwelling"
I rest my case m'lud.
Jeepers thats the same house design as my aunt and uncles I'm sure of it, with the lawn rising upto it too, I'm going to have to go get a photo of it. Looks nice, which part of Melbourne?
Sounds like everyone had a good weekend. Next weekend is already planned out for me, back to the 9-5 tomorrow though so rest for a few days
Decided not to get it... it's actually quite small inside...