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Full Version: Victoria Peak
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Was going through my external hard disk last night and found some old pictures.
Looking through brings back so many memories!
Here's some I took in December from Hong Kong.
Probably the 'typical, most shot' type of photographs, but I was there, so why not? Smile

[Image: 177825582_048cf68002.jpg]

[Image: 177824815_fd36c4ca7d.jpg]
(was thinking about cropping out the bottom)

[Image: 177825168_cd2845870b.jpg]

I think these are the type of shots which everyone would take when up there, overwhelmed by the view!
These are handheld night shots, I think at ISO1600, that' why it's grainy Smile
Really nice night shots. They don't look typical to me
I love night shots, always great colors. Like the 3rd one, nice atmosphere.