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Full Version: Couple of macros from this morning!
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[Image: P7010012.jpg]

[Image: P7010017.jpg]
I rarely comment on flower shots - almost everyone knows more about them than I do, but #2 is very solid with a perfect exposure..
Thanx Toad, Appreciate the comments...
Wow! I had to check your addy then to make sure you weren't really in England! Lovely foxglove!
By bizarre "coincidence" I took this last week at a mate's house and have since been asked to include it in a wedding card I'm doing for a friend.

[Image: orangeLily-web.jpg]
Wooo fantastic! Love the colour and detail...

Lovely sharpness too!
Thanx Zig & S.T; I got lot's of Lily shots if that's what you like?! Big Grin Here in Canada, you see them everywhere, Even in the wild.