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Full Version: Street of West Vale.
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Had a walk through the woods, past the sewage works. On past the 'Dropouts doorway' and down to West Vale.
This street looked very steep with semi posh cars round the front. This is the back of two streets with middens (or outside toilets and coal stores) I would imagine they are modernised now LOL. with satellite tv and electric.
[Image: candyfarm%20224.jpg]
I like this photo - there's a nice symmertry to it, with a touch (ok maybe more than a touch) of ruggedness as well. I often walk past back alleys on my way to work, and think they would make great photos...
Thanks S.T.
A lot of dwellings near where I live are on hillsides (lots of river valleys) and so the photo opportunities are endless. The trouble is when you are born among it, it becomes commonplace and you don't always think others would appreciate it.
On that occasion me and my wife were just having a walk around and it appealed to me, because of the (middens) Outside toilets. As a child my family had a newish council house with toilets inside (well, in the porch )
but my cousin had to walk 30 feet down the garden path to theirs,( a sod in winter when the snow was about) and share it with next door.
Not at the same time though. Wink
This is a wonderful picture NT. I love to see the richness of textures and colors you have here. Your composition has a lovely symmetry as well. Didn't you try it in portrait format. I think this would also be wonderful in portrait format leaving the end of the street in the upper third of the picture.
It was taken last spring/summer. I tried visually but it looked better landscape. If it is in portrait, it seems to lose too much of the buildings, and clarity from the lower end of the street. Maybe I want to show too much.:/
All around that area are old buildings and farms. It is about 1 mile from my home.

This was in the next street, although its a football theme.
[Image: wv.jpg]
Very beautiful detail in this one as well... It must be lovely to walk about with your camera in that area... Smile

You are right,NT. Sometimes you see the picture and think about a composition that would be better, but only the one who was there knows why he did it this way... Smile
The motiff for England (football) is three lions on the St George cross. Only one on that, but that was why I took the photo.
But if I think about subjects I can go within 5 minutes of my home and find hundreds.
It is making them look nice. I could do with an Irma or Julian or Matthew to help.Smile