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Full Version: Flying back home
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[Image: back_homeP1150800.jpg]

Good day!! Smile

I am back Smile and very happy to be here with you all... Smile I have seen wonderful pictures you posted while I was out... Smile I will try to catch up with my comments on them .... I have seen new members as well.... to you all.... Welcome to Shuttertalk Smile

I can't say I have lots to do at home because G did a good work while I was out... Smile but the weather is lovely and my camera is waiting for me to go out and take a few shots... Smile

Thanks a lot my dear Friends for all your loving words in your comments... I really missed you very much...

Here is a picture of my taking off from Heathrow... unfortunately the window was not so clean but still I think the picture looks nice Smile

Wish you a beautiful Sunday... Smile



welcome back, we all miss you

take care

Hey welcome back Irma!! Big Grin

Good to hear from you again... we really missed you! Big Grin

I'm sure G and Lucky missed you more though, and they must be rapt to have you back! Big Grin
WELOME BACK!!! you have a lot of catching up to do now Big Grin.

....... Shawn
Welcome Back Irma Smile
Welcome Back! Irma.

/Paul L.
Great to have back Irma...........Smile
Good to hear that you are back safely Irma.


Thanks my dear Friends for the warm welcome... Smile
Nice to see you again Irma, We missed you! Big Grin
Great to see you Irma!
Welcome back, I!!