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Still too far, but here they are. Not the best, but for now this has to be better than nothing.
Images taken at the Nepean Marina. Enjoy and comment as you wish...

[Image: July19-2006-019.jpg]

[Image: July19-2006-027.jpg]

[Image: July19-2006-031.jpg]

All shot at 400-mm, ISO-250, f/5.6, Spot metering, IA-Servo
Lovely series Janika Smile I have seen some of them around here... and I have had the chance of taking pictures but I haven't been lucky enough to get nice pictures as yours...

My fav #2... It looks very cool when it's walking Wink
G'day Janika, I will go with Irma........#2 for me too. Keep up the hunt!!! Wink
I love that strutting walk in number 2.
Great shots John. Slejhamer has a heron Nemesis. He said once he'd like to get a shot of one landing or taking off one day. Ever since he said that it has had me on a bit of a mission.Big Grin
Thank you guys for all the comments, Yes I am kind of determined to get a full frame Heron photo as difficult as it sounds. There are several places around here where I saw them, but never close to shore. We have two kinds of herons around Ottawa, The Blue heron and a smaller Green Heron...