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Here is a series of shots that I took at one of my daughter's 1st ballet lessons. I'm curious to get feedback on which ones you like if any. Do you like the processing, composition, etc.? Please critique and/or applaud however you feel led. Thanks.

[Image: zballet1.jpg]
[Image: zballet2.jpg]
[Image: zballet3.jpg]
[Image: zballet4.jpg]
[Image: zballet5.jpg]
Wow, great shots. I love the different point of view. 'Shooting at the back of someones head' sounds more like a plan for a hitman but this has worked wonderfully here. I especially like the composition and tones in the second and last shots. I think your family will treasure these shots in the years to come...
I agree with Smarti, also on the second and last... All of these images are wonderful, but these two are outstanding. Love the pp too. These images need to be printed, large. Smile
well done Phlip, #'s 2 and 4 would be my picks. I think the pp works well. #2 has a bit of a lonely or sad (not sure which) feel to it. Would have liked a little more angle so the reflection comes into play.......hmmm

Thanks everybody for the feedback so far. Russt, I agree with you that more of an angle would have been nice to get that reflection, but I was confined inside a small viewing room so all these pictures were through glass with little room to move. Now that I'm more comfortable with the venue I might actually venture inside the studio next time around. Also, the ballet instructor said it was fine for me to take photos as long as I didn't "take any pictures of her big booty"- LOL!Big Grin
Loverly, I like the use of the mirror and the subtle colours, they suit these images well. I particularly like nos 2 and 4
Your composition is wonderful and you have a Classicly beautiful child. The mode of all the pieces is consistant and moving. My first impression caught the dodgeing of the first 3 shots, what were you using to manipulate the print? You may want to use it to show off her face in shot #1. They are all very nice, Well Done!