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Full Version: Dish licker test shots
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These are shots taken with a new lens I got today - Nikon AF VR ED 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D. After a lot of research I took this lens on despite some negative reviews (slow focus; older VR problems etc). These were all hand held at 400mm zoom with the VR off so despite some movement in some shots I am pretty happy with the quality. Afternoon shots in shade of house. Should test out the VR though...

Won't anyone play with me???
[Image: Rocky1.jpg]

[Image: Rocky.jpg]

What's a dog to do...
[Image: Rocky2.jpg]

Finally someone has thrown me a bone.
[Image: Rocky3.jpg]

Finger lickin good too...
[Image: Rocky4.jpg]

interesting...maybe a flash in to get some more detail on the dog eyes

I like the emotion you have captured in number 1 Gooly - perhaps play with the levels a bit to brighten it up.
dish licker...........when I read that I thought it was going to be the gray hounds........Big Grin congrats on the new lens. lookin good.
Thanks for the tip Christian - I will give it a try.
