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I shot this while on a trip to New Orleans....let me know thoughts, opinions, suggestions! Hope this works...
[Image: Copy%20of%20New%20Orleans%20sunet%20on%20the%20natchez%20030.jpg]
Nice shot... I always like sunsets. The colour is great and clouds and sky look nice too. In terms of constructive comments - I'd maybe look at getting the horizon straight, and also including more interesting sihlouette shapes in the picture. '

Just my 2c worth... Big Grin
I agree with Shutter. Very nice, just needs to be straightened.
Nice - I also have problems trying to keep the camera straight no matter how much I try straightening it!! Sad~
Unless you did it on purpose for some artistic effect which I'm not familiar with (most things Wink)
Thanks for the feedback!

It's amazing...when I first took this shot, I really, really liked it and that was a few months ago; now that I'm learning more & more, I look at this pic and see soo many things wrong with it!!