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Full Version: My frist air to air
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[Image: 213321411_3f635f39e1_b.jpg]
Flickr page


[Image: 213320159_22e41c729a_b.jpg]
Flickr page

What do you think?
This was my frist air to air pictures. I took these from a B-25.

Thanks for the feedback!
I like #2 a lot. #1 also good - but I just like the point of view of #2 better. Well done!
In the UK an airmiss is anything less than 1 mile horizontally da da da .
Nice pic. but watch your attitude, as my instructor used to say.
nice job , im with Toad on this one . I like #2 a lot , but #1 is good too ..

Great shots - particularly number 2 where the plane is isolated nicely by the sky.
Hi, and welcome to shuttertalk. It's always nice to see another Olympus user...

I like them both, but agree that #2 is a stronger picture. It depends on what you're trying to showcase, though - I'd say that #1 is a better photo of the aircraft. It may be a touch soft, though. I'm guessing that these were taken with the 40-150 lens? You may want to reduce your aperture and increase the shutter speed.

Overall, though - and looking at the set on Flickr - very nicely done, and a good variety of images. Were you crew or a guest on the B-25?
matthew Wrote:Hi, and welcome to shuttertalk. It's always nice to see another Olympus user...

I like them both, but agree that #2 is a stronger picture. It depends on what you're trying to showcase, though - I'd say that #1 is a better photo of the aircraft. It may be a touch soft, though. I'm guessing that these were taken with the 40-150 lens? You may want to reduce your aperture and increase the shutter speed.

Overall, though - and looking at the set on Flickr - very nicely done, and a good variety of images. Were you crew or a guest on the B-25?
No I volunteer at the Warhawk Air Museum and as a treat for working hard we get to go up now and again. Smile