Another shot from our impromptu photo safari after dinner in Melbourne...
I like this shot too Toad, I think it would make an interesting Pano if you cropped off the top, it would almost look Venetian
Good suggestion - it is already cropped - but wasn't sure whether it was enough. I like the top right corner so I kept the blue.
Very beautiful picture....
I like a lot the colors... The contrast blue-golden works great and the reflection is lovely...
I like the colours, but I am not sure what the photo is about. To me I can't seem to see a point of focus.
The blue, gold and touch of purple in the right corner are very nice. Might be interesting to crop as schel suggests - will leave a colorful foreground.
I really like the colors in this one Toad , I really you night shots are always too cool .....
........ Shawn
Thanks everyone. I am really enjoying night shots these days - although I have to say, you shoot a lot and do a pile of pp to get a good one (at least for me)...