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It doesn't look like one of mine.
[Image: emu.jpg]
Ostrich are so beautiful... I had the chance to take some pictures in the zoo... and I found that they are so sweet and expressive Smile

This is really lovely...
Thank you for your comments Irma, although I think it is an emu. They look similar.
By the way, as I said a while back your command of English is excellent.
All mine is long forgotten, but I may have a few lessons on my vacation, with some deutsch drachenfreund, mainly from the Dusseldorf area. They all go to Fuerteventura for the kite festival.
Back in 3 weeks.Big Grin
That is great NT!!

I am a little envious I have to say... we have had storms and ugly weather over here... G is getting over from a Bronchitis he's got a week ago...

Look forward to seeing your pictures Smile
I want to pet his head.Smile