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Full Version: Free .info domain name
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Hey all... guess what? From sep 2 to sep 9, these people are registering .info domain names for free! You can get up to 25 free ones! Is that crazy or what?


I wonder what they're getting out of it.

I've registered shuttertalk.info, now... what to register next....? Smile
woot I am going
hehe I used up 20 odd, might be useful one day.
Hey, if you missed out on this last time, 1and1.com are offering the same deal! Grab your free .info domains now! (up to 25)
shuttertalk Wrote:I wonder what they're getting out of it.
Well, 1and1.com gets you hooked on your domain and then charges after the first year.... I grabbed a bunch anyway and I'll dump the ones I don't use before the year is up...