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Full Version: Assignment #39: People
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That's really effective, how the candy canes are in-focus yet you can read the expression on his face anyway.
Kind of a rule-breaker that works.
I love it.
KeithAlanK Wrote:That's really effective, how the candy canes are in-focus yet you can read the expression on his face anyway.
Kind of a rule-breaker that works.
I love it.
Thanks Keith... really much appreciated.

I tried both ways - but I think this works better, as the canes are more the subject... Big Grin
So many great photos as usual in this challenge. ..

I am always struck by the fact that there is so little feedback on challenge entries - compared to the average for individual posts in Photo Showcase for example. Its weird, because there are a lot of great photos in all the challenges. I suppose the "communithy thread" aspect of it makes us less likely to comment on the work of individuals.

I'm certainly as guilty as anyone.
My grand daughter playing in the leaves last month.

[Image: dani1106qz6.jpg]
Wonderful pictures all... I'm enjoying a lot all your additions...
Thanks a lot for sharing Smile
[Image: patio.jpg]
Great Subject!!!
This was a "candid" shot from across the street, taken during the warmer months here in Toronto at a downtown pub patio, at the "Flatiron building".
(This is my first posting, been a long time admirer of people's work on this site!)
Of course any comments greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This is a great thread, getting away from the ordinary portrait and seeing people! Great work everyone!.
Toad certainly has a point; I find it hard to keep up and have to admit that perhaps I've gotten too used to the extraordinary level of creative and inspiring photographs that I see in the assignments. This one in particular has been excellent, and I do find it a little odd to single out particular individual for comment and praise -- they really are all great, showing so many different facets in different ways. This may be an odd thing to think, but if someone asked me "What are 'People'?" I'd feel comfortable sending him/her/it to this thread.

I have a couple more here that I'll try to post in the next few days... the "simple" assignment is proving to be much harder to feed.
I have to agree with Toad that there is always little feedback on pics in the assignments

The main reason for me would be I don't want to leave anyone out...... I find it hard to comment on any particular photo when they all deserve comments in there own right......

having said that well done all I have enjoyed the contributions on this assignment Smile
there is a good range of pics in this assignment.......capturing people going about their day to having a play........

so this is more traditional style

[Image: brent1.jpg]
.... and another candid. A photographer amongst a group of tourists. Big Grin

[Image: tourists-st.jpg]

The lady at the front, just walked into shot when I hit the button.
The girl in the turquoise top, had been going round the block, to attract wolf whistles from the builders. The other girl just appeared from behind the buildings.
[Image: 4_Spain%20147.jpg]
Hard to imagine what you were trying to capture when the foreground woman walked in...
Toad Wrote:Hard to imagine what you were trying to capture when the foreground woman walked in...
I was just thinking exactly the same thing ......... Big Grin

Left me wondering too! te he Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
This was taken at a real indian pow wow.
[Image: IMG_0303-1.jpg]
Pat Wrote:Left me wondering too! te he Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Me too. Rolleyes
I wanted to take the girl with the turquoise top.
We had been down the next parallel street, and she had walked along alone, and had been whistled at, by waiters having a smoke outside.
A little later she came around again (for seconds) and I thought if I spot her again I will take a chance. and there you have it. Around to the next street and there she was coming towards me on her own. As I focussed the Payma girl joined her, so I refocussed. Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinTongue
rdegro Wrote:My grand daughter playing in the leaves last month.

rdegro. That is a very unusual shot. Surrealist. From my monitor, it looks as if your g/daughter has no lower body or is in a hole in the ground.
I realise the leaves must have been a thick pile, but the photo does not give that impression.
I will dream of that.Smile
Very fascinating shot, wannabe. Looks like there is a story behind it...
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