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These images were taken while on holidays after new year....
It was a beautiful full moon...
I used the tungsten setting instead of auto white balance.

30 Sec exposure, I had to hide the moon in the tree as it was so bright...
[Image: IMG_6984_1_1.JPG]

30 sec exposure
[Image: IMG_6987_1_1_1.JPG]

25 sec exposure, this was taken at 4am from the verandah of the cottage we were staying in...this is my favourite Smile
[Image: IMG_6989_1_4_1.JPG]

All images are straight off the card and have only been resized for the web and sharpened with Irfanview...
Thanks for looking Smile

Wonderful pictures Sharon, from the tree pictures, both are geat. I couldn't say which is my fav.

That last one is a "print large and hang in the wall" picture. Smile
I love it. What a marvelous place, and so well captured.
Wow! that last is precious!
I love the last one as well. Very pretty!
Great shots, the last one is stunning Smile
Hey Sharon, it must have been a beautiful scene - I can just imagine it.

The sky and clouds are just perfect - #1 is my favourite.

Any reason you used Tungsten white balance? Big Grin
these are AWSOME !! thanks for sharring ,

I agree with Irma , print the last one large VERY LARGE !!!!!

i want to know why tungston wb also ? To give it the blue ? just a guess ......

great job ........ Shawn
The last is stunning (first two are also beautiful). I think the last could look nice really big in a panoramic format - perhaps chop the top and bottom slightly to achieve this.

Worth getting up at 4am to shoot it!
Wow! thanks all for the postive feedback on these shots, everyone Smile Smile Smile

The reason for using tungsten is that at the end of last year I did an basic photographic course which included a night workshop. (I have only had my DSLR since July 06)
They told us to use 100 ISO (which all 3 are) and to use tungsten. It has to do with the way the eye makes adjustments for colours, but the camera records what it actually sees. It also has to do with the colour of light.

This link might help explain it better than I can Smile http://www.wireheadarts.com/blog6.html

Many thanks again
Its all already been said by everyone but congrats on the great images. The last one has something unique and captivating... Thanks for showing them.
Hi Sharon, great shots well worth the early rise........agree with the above I think the last shot is a standout.......well captured
Thanks Shane & Russ....