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Full Version: Some shots of Sydney Harbour
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Just got back from a trip to Sydney and took a few photos of the harbour, the day was hazy with smoke from the bushfires on the F3 (the only main road to places north of Sydney) which was closed to all northbound/southbound traffic, lucky we were able to get home the next day.

#1 shot taken from Milsons Point looking towards the city
[Image: city.jpg]

#2 our famous opera house - the path is where our fitness fanatic Prime Minister takes his morning walk and is usually followed by the media
[Image: ophouse1.jpg]

#3 the face of Luna Park in Sydney
[Image: 62_face.jpg]
Nice Pat, I like them all, in #2 I like the leading line of the path and fence...
Nice shots Pat... it's one of my favourite cities, next to Melbourne. Big Grin
Great images Pat! I like the framing in #'2.
Love the blue sky in all your pictures, not only these ones but "all" your pictures... Smile

Great pictures all with very nice color and composition. my fav is #1... I love the way you composed the picture with the bridge. The line crosses nicely all the image and guide your eye to the city. I would even suggest to try a B&W version of this one. You have strong lines, and beautiful light to work a nice contrast.


Hey! I just saw that they are in the Snapshots forum. There are not snapshot quality Pat. They deserve to be in the showcase forum.