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My picture is #1 is explore!!! and I don't know how to make an screen shot of the page... I wanted to have it as a memory.... Rolleyes I don't know how to do it... :|

could someone out there tell me what to do? I have IE7

My picture is here... in the calender!!!


January 28 .... the gull is mine!!!

Thanks a lot...!!!!
Congrats on the #1 interestingness shot on explore!!
Your photographs on flickr are beautiful! (and I only just realised yesterday that you weren't on my flickr contact list!)

[Image: irmaisnumberone.jpg]
Oh! Adam thanks a looooot!!! I have had already some (two or three) in #1 but it has been while I am sleeping, when I see again in the morning my picture was there and was gone... This time, it took me as a surprise since it was in the second page and suddenly it jumped to the 4th place an now is #1!!

This really means a lot to me... Smile
I will store it now...
Thanks again Adam... You are very kind!! Smile

I'll check if you are in my contacts as well... Smile
That's so awesome Irma! That is an achievement to be proud of indeed! Can you talk us through how you took #1? Big Grin
Thanks Jules... Smile
One of my friends posted a wonderful picture of a butterfly the very same day... I thought I wouldn't make it into explore. There were really wonderful pictures that day. I know it will go back or out to explore in few days probably, but just to be there is great...

We spend all Saturday taking pictures since we knew it would be the only day with good weather that we would have in between of these ugly season... We went to the lake in the afternoon and we took some old bread to feed ducks and gulls.. We tried to take pictures while feeding them but they were too close, when they finished all the bread, we walked out of the place looking for reflections something to photograph. Someone else started feeding them again and then I got a better point since I could sit in the snow to shoot them... Smile I got some other pictures. I am happy because in this case I didn't need to crop much, they are really print size... Smile
Congratulations Irma!! That's great.
Thanks Toad... Smile

It is already gone. It isn't in explore anymore, let's see if it comes back tomorrow...
Congrats Irma . !!!

..... Shawn
That is great Irma - well deserved Smile