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Full Version: Sunsets
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This sky was lovely, and I was so sorry nothing nice to have as a subject in my picture. All around was too busy, so I just took from the tree what I saw more beautiful.

[Image: IMG_6686-01.jpg]

This is another one from last year in Fehmarn, I worked on it today, but this time without ducks. Smile

[Image: DSC_5565-07.jpg]

Thanks for your comments.
Great skies and foregrounds!
Very beautiful Irma.
Great skies Irma Smile especially like #2
Thanks so much Toad, Chris, Pat for your comments... Smile

I like a lot the colors in the first one because it is so colorful... The sky was so colorful... #2 was taken in a very lucky day that gave me a lot of beautiful pictures... Unfortunately those days doesn't come more often...